Staying proactive when all you want to do is sleep!

I have been busily trying to put together some pieces for a Dementia Friends working session I am doing with Rowena from the Alzheimer’s Society on Monday.  This is with Social Worker students at Durham University.

I always enjoy these Dementia working sessions as it gives me a voice and hopefully I can help towards making a difference for people living with Dementia if it gives a better understanding.

However, for the past few months I have felt so exhausted all the time and it has got to the stage where I am sometimes too exhausted to even shower in the mornings and when I do I have to rest afterwords.  I have Fibromyalgia so am already in constant pain, 24 hours a day 7 days a week…  and as I have previously said I don’t take any medication because of the side effects all of the medication.  At present I spend a lot of my days sleeping which is a tad non productive personally, but I just can’t stay awake!extreme-fatigue-contentPreviously putting together a talk about dementia for me has been relatively easy, because once I start writing I can’t stop as my head can go at a hundred miles per hour,  but lately the physical and mental effort of trying to think is so draining I am really struggling.  I don’t want this to be the end of my work, but I think I will have to reassess what I am able to do for the foreseeable future which is gutting.

So today I need to finish off what I have put together so far for one talk, and re-vamp another already written to suit.  I am not sure that I will be able to fill all the time allotted to me but will have to be content that I have done my best and not feel that I am letting anyone down too much.

Will let you know how how it goes.    Also Doctors on Wednesday for the results of a blood test, but have been told to look up Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and see if my symptoms match.   What can I say, sometimes life kicks you when you’re down and you just have to find a way round to get up again.

Thanks for reading  🙂

Making stuff from scratch in the wild

When The Fog Lifts

Living with Dementia, rights and advocacy

Seaham and District Area U3A

Learn, laugh, live.

I'm Still Me

I'm a 46 year old lady with dementia but living with positivity and optimism

Half a shoestring

Around the world by bicycle


Makes, remakes, mends, darns, sews, arts, and crafts.


reflections on a passing life