Sunday Morning…

Sunday morning. Ella my cat is hell bent on getting me up does everything she can. She learns quickly, anything that irritates me will get me up to stop her. Licking my face, touching me with her paw; claws out – but gently. That gave me a bacterial eye infection. My arms have strange scratches that I don’t remember getting but know the culprit. She never does anything maliciously, I believe that there is not a bad bone in her body. She is a delightful, loving companion, but she likes to be fed at her own times. She can gently touch my face, and oh so quietly, meows close to my ear. She starts chewing things, pushing things knowing that it will exact a response from me.
No Ella. I say to her.
She will move on to something else. What is there that she can chew on the bedside table. Oh there is the necklace hanging on the bedpost, it is made of seeds brought back for me from the Caribbean ten years ago. Nutmeg and all kinds of fragrant seeds that I love to smell when I go to sleep. She will chew it a bit then leave it, most distasteful for a cat!
Next she…the…emergency….cord…………… ORANGE LIGHT FLASHING, BEEP BEEP BEEP… OMG she has managed to pull the cord and called an emergency. For goodness sake Ella what have you done!
Beep, Beep, Beep…
“Hello, you have an emergency?”
“Sorry, Sorry, my cat decided to wake me up by pulling the cord”
“No emergency, you are ok?”
“Yes Yes I am fine. Sorry about my cat”
“Ok then”
I made Ella wait for her breakfast after securing the cord out of reach. It will not happen again 🙂

Author: Gill

I photograph things that take my eye.

10 thoughts on “Sunday Morning…”

  1. I laughed at this! Dad’s neighbour’s cat liked to visit and sit on his lap to be fussed. If dad was asleep the cat would do like Ella does – patting him, headbutting under his chin – and pressing the fall alarm button dad wore under his jumper. Did feel a bit of an idiot explaining that, no, no, he didn’t fall, it was the neighbour’s cat!

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  2. Sounds like my Charlie-man. He sits in the bedroom near my bed and yowls his Tom Cat howl over and over. I pretend to not hear but pat my bed eventually, which draws his attention and he jumps onto the bed. Now he begins that head-rubbing, nose tickling act. Still I refuse. He lies in my arm and purrs. Finally, he gives up and goes back to his own room. And I wouldn’t trade him for anything in the world!

    Liked by 1 person

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